Monday, March 9, 2009

What have we been up to???

Oh dear, what haven't we been up to???
I figured I better get on here and post some photos!  We have had playdates and doctor appointments and circus', and fun at home.... and so much more!!  This will mostly be a post of photos.  That is what everyone likes to see anyways right?  
We did have a great time at the circus, but those darn clowns are just NOT funny!  But, I guess they need something to take up time while changing things, but can't they figure something better out???  
Leah is a LOVE LOVE LOVE....  she is the greatest addition to our already amazing family.  She does have a temper, but thankfully we don't see it too much.  She is not saying too much yet...  just the basics:  Hi, bye bye, mama, ekah (for Bekah), more (almost there), up (she has that down), all done (at least I know that is what she is saying), so needless to say, Help Me Grow will be evaluating her and taking us on board for speech, just like we did with Bekah.  Her eval at Children's told us she was at a 13 month speech level as a 20 month old, but we figured that with her being older and only knowing Chinese and the cleft lip/palate.  She will catch up soon.  My favorite thing is that she gives kisses on command, and sometimes not on command!!  Bekah was never as free with hers... and still isn't until her little sister starts layin' on me, then over she runs to follow suit!!!  Enjoy the pics.  THese girls definitely love each other.... PTL.  At least they do for now, right?  ;-)

Where are all my teeth I say...???  I am 21 months old already!!!

My grown up girl... how does this happen so fast??

Waiting for dinner before the Circus

Daddy and his girls.

Someone liked the ride on Daddy's shoulders more than the circus I think.

Playing at cousins Kaitlyn and Frankies house

playing dress up

and dancing around a lot

Beks loves her construction protective goggles

These girls really do love each other!!!


Anonymous said...

THEY ARE ADORABLE! I just want to hug them!!!! You are so blessed, as are they to have wonderful mother like you.

Amy Jo said...

What a proud Mama you are! I am SO happy for you, my Friend (and Pete, too!) Your girls are SO gorgeous. I love seeing their smiles and that connection that is growing stronger between the two of them every day. God is SO good! Miss ya lately. :-)

2 China 4 Addison said...

Oh, I can already see how much Leah is changing and growing.
great pictures!
And yes, Bekah does look like such a BIG did that happen?

Gwen Oatsvall said...

hello, i help Katie w/ Amazima ministries and one of my blessings is to help moderate her comments on her blog and yours stuck out to me and i felt God leading me to leave you a comment .. we have two precious daughters from China, two amazing bio sons and are in the process to Uganda, Africa to bring home two more angels and I just wanted to lend myself if you ever need a someone to journey w/you !!

Blessings ... Your daughters are beautiful !!!